this is one of my favorite scenes.
i struggled a bit with the exchange in the last panel here; Ms. Park goes "i thought maybe your call was a joke" and i batted around various responses for Scout. originally i wanted Scout to reply with something like "i don't joke," something along those lines; i still like that line, i like how true it is, because yeah, Scout doesn't joke. but it seemed callous and curt to respond like that to a mother whose daughter has gone missing, and Scout has been shown to be warm and gentle when dealing with victims so it felt awkward. i didn't want to lose Ms. Park expressing doubt over Scout's phone call, either, so i still needed to come up with something in response to that, and eventually i just settled on Scout saying "No..." which i think fits, it's short, to the point, but also maybe suggests Scout is confused that Ms. Park would doubt her. and i think the ellipsis, the three dots, is key.
i've seen some people complain about the number of ellipses i use in my dialogue, but in my opinion the dots really work wonders in softening dialogue that would otherwise seem terse or cold.