SLG Publishing

Shadoweyes on!

Bark And Bite by MeLoki & Cusd

Vacant by Heather Nunnelly

Dinogeddon by Kaylie McDougal

Claire the Flare by Jessi Sheron

Alpha Princess Garou Shoujo by Sloane Leong

Sister Claire by Elena Barbarich

Meaty Yogurt by Megan Rose Gedris

Love Me Nice by Amanda Lafrenais

The Meek by Der-shing Helmer

Sanctuary School by Brian Wimberly

Sacred Heart by Liz Suburbia

Super Haters by Nick Marino, Justique Woolridge, and others (including me!)

Godsend by Jesse Bausch & Meg Gandy

Johnny Wander by Ananth Panagariya & Yuko Ota

Fungus Grotto by Ms,Shatia Hamilton

Kelly Thompson

Nick Marino

ghettoManga/Samax Amen